
I. Self Information

Name             : RISKA SAPUTRA / 高少奇

Place & Birth : Mengkirau, 17 Januari 1997

Address : Zhongli, Taoyuan City, Taiwan, 32001


Whatsapp : +62-822-8556-2199

Email :

Instagram : 

LinkedIn : 


Gender : Male 

Status : Married

Child : - 

Religion : Islam


II. Education and Courses

 ●   State Elementary School 52 Nyatuh (SDN 52 Nyatuh)

Basic Math, Bahasa Indonesia, English, Religion Studies, Basic Natural Science (Chemistry, Physics, Biology), Social Science (Economics, Sociology, Historical Science), Civic and Citizenship Education, Physical Education, Leadership, Malay Culture.

 ●   State Junior High School 10 Bengkalis (SMPN 10 Bengkalis

Math, Technology Information and Communication, Bahasa Indonesia, English, Religion Studies, Basic Natural Science (Chemistry, Physics, Biology), Social Science (Economics, Sociology, Historical Science), Civic and Citizenship Education, Physical Education, Leadership, Malay Culture.

    State Islamic Senior High School (MAN 1 Bengkalis)-Natural Sciences Program

Math, Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Computer Science, Bahasa Indonesia, English, Chinese, Arabic, Islamic Studies (Fiqh, Quran & Hadits, History, Etic), Social Science (Economics, Sociology, Historical Science), Civic and Citizenship Education, Physical Education, Leadership, Public Speaker, and Counseling. 

STAIN Bengkalis - College of Islamic Education and Teaching – TESOL

Classroom Management, Sociolinguistics, Psycholinguistics, Educational Statistics, Morphology, Teaching English Knowledge, English Literature, Curriculum and Material Development, Islamic Knowledge (Arabic Language, Fiqh, Quran & Hadits, Islamic History), Educational Phycology, Introduction Philosophy, Mantiq and Logic, Educational Research, Computer Assist Language Learning,


National Central University – Language Centre

  Speaking, Listening, Reading, and Writing.

How to speak in Chinese; write in traditional Chinese on a phone/pc keyboard; make a Chinese drama; learn Chinese culture and Taiwanese culture also their history.


National Central University - College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science -Graduate Institute of Network Learning Technology

Digital Game-Based Learning, Design of Digital Learning System, Digital Collaboration Teaching, Qualitative Research of Digital Learning, Technology-Supported Education for Knowledge Creation and Innovation, Quantitative Research Methods in e-Learning, and High Interaction in Multimedia.


Online Course

      MIMO App                 : Web Development (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, SQL)

      Dicoding Indonesia : Basic DevOps, Basic Kotlin, Cloud Practitioner Essentials, AR/VR, Back-End

      Dq Lab                     : Data Science



  Laravel, Google Site, AWS cloud.

  Photographer, Adobe Lightroom, Luminar AI.

  Videographer, Adobe Premiere, CapCut.

  Digital Marketing and Business.

  Master of Ceremony.




Telkomsel Broadband Corner STAIN Bengkalis (2018)

o   Customer Service

      Selling Telkomsel products to students and lecturers.

      Income audit.

MAN 1 Bengkalis (2018)

o   Teacher

      Teaching English to 11th-grade students.

      Design a Lesson Plan.

SMPN 1 Bengkalis (2019)

o   Teacher

      Teaching English to 7th-grade students.

      Design a Lesson Plan.

Toko Sambal Indo in Taiwan (2021-present)

o   Founder

      Design the business plan.

      Manage the business operation.

Bakso Halal Formosa (April 2023-present)

o   Marketing Communication

      Design the content for social media.

      Taking photos of products or making ad videos.

Journal of English Practitioner and Educator Comunity - STAIN Bengkalis (Aug 2023-present)

o   Reviewer

      Review scientific article paper about TESOL.

Script Journal: Journal of Linguistics and English Teaching - Gama Mahakam Samarinda University (Oct 2023-Jan 2024)

o   Peer-Reviewer

      Review scientific articles paper about linguistics and English teaching


Student Counselling and Information 2015-2018  

o   Founder & Leader

      Manage the organization.

      Give counselling to the student and be a facilitator for another student.

PPI NCU / Overseas Indonesian Students’ Association Alliance 2021-2022

o   Member of External

      Collaborate with stakeholders such as Universities in Taiwan and in Indonesia.

      PIC of Indonesia Student Sport Friendly Match

PPI Taiwan 2022-2023

o   Internal Control Bureau

      PIC for PPI Taiwan Award 2022 & as an observer for other members on PPI Taiwan

PPIDK Asia-Oceania 2022-2023

o   Internal and external control bureau

      Be an observer of students’ problems in Asia-Oceania.

      PIC for PPI Asia Oceania Award 2023.

PPI Dunia / Overseas Indonesian Students’ Association Alliance 2022-2023

o   Manager DevOps at Innovation Development, Business and Student Union Partnerships

      Manage the team.

      Design the platform system for business and incubation.


V.   Skill and Knowledge

Digital Education, Learning Science, Microsoft Office, Classroom Management, Teaching English (Elementary, Junior-Senior, IELTS, TOEFL), Educational Phycology, Islamic Knowledge (Arabic, Fqih, Al-Quran and Hadis, History) Marching Band for Brass (Trumpet, Baritone, Mellophone), Counselling, Scientific Debater, Speech, Photographer, IC Design, Soccer, Futsal, Motivation, Swimming, Hiking, Scout, Web Development (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, Laravel), Basic Kotlin, Data Scientist, Adobe Lightroom, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Premiere, Digital Marketing and Business Knowledge, Master of Ceremony, Leadership,  UI/UX Designer, UI/UX Researcher. 

VI.  Organizations History

When I was a student in Elementary School at SDN 52 Nyatuh Bengkalis, my organisations were: 

1.     PRAMUKA (SCOUT) : 2007 be a member, 2008 group leader, 2009 vice-Leader 

2.     Kompang ( Traditional Music) : 2007 Be a member 

3.     Drum Band : 2008-2009 vice-leader and marching bell player. 


When I was a student in Junior High School at SMPN 10 Bengkalis, my organisations were: 

1.     PRAMUKA ( SCOUT)           : 2009-2011 Fimru (Leader) 

2.     Soccer : 2009 be a member, 2010 member, 2011 member. 

3.     OSIS (Students Council) : 2009 be a member, 2010 be a public relation, 2011 vice leader. 


When I was a student in Senior High School at MAN Bengkalis, my organisations were: 

1.     Outside School : 

a.     Marching Band at Andam Dewi Marching Band supported by Bengkalis Regency Government: 2013-2014 as a member and baritone player. 

2.     Inside School : 

a.     UKS ( Students Health Volunteer) : 2013 be a member, 2014 vice-Leader. 

b.     OSIS ( Students Council) : 2013 public relation 

c.     Silat HIMSI (Traditional Self-Defense) : 2013 be a member  

d.     MAFIKIB Kimia (Chemistry for Olympiad) : 2013-2015 be a member 


When I was a student at STAIN Bengkalis  

a.     DEMA/BEM (Students Council): 2016-2017 sub-Leader of Trade and Cooperation. 

b.     English Department Students Association (EDSA): 2015 be a Member, 2016 vice-Leader, 2017 sub-Leader of Education. 

c.     PIK-M (Student of Information and Counselling Center): 2015-2017 Founder and Leader.  

d.     SEMA (Student Senate Association): 2018-2019 sub-Leader of Economic and External 


a.     Riau Youth Volunteer: 2017-2019 member of Education volunteer 

b.     NGO for Bengkalis anti-corruption as Secretary 2016 

c.     Andam Dewi Marching Band Bengkalis: 2015-2019 as an official and crew 

d.     GenRe Bengkalis (Bengkalis Teens Forum): Founder and Vice Leader 2018-2019 

e.     GEGAME 

e.     FKP (Forum Kewirausahan Pemuda) Bengkalis : 2019 Leader 


When I was a student at NCU Taiwan, my organisations were:  

1.     PPI NCU / Overseas Indonesian Students’ Association Alliance 2021-2022

Member of External 

       2.  NCU Futsal (NCU Indonesian Team, NCU Overseas Chinese Team) 2021-2024

       3.  NCU Football 2022-2024

1.     FKP Bengkalis 2019-2020 as member 

2.     PPI Taiwan 2022-2023

3.     PPIDK Asia-Oceania 2022-2023

4.     PPI Dunia / Overseas Indonesian Students’ Association Alliance 2022-2023


VII.  Event Experiences  

1.      Baritone Player of Andam Dewi Marching Band Bengkalis at Grand Prix Marching Band in Istora Senayan hall sport, Jakarta Indonesia. 2013. 

2.      Riau delegation for “National Teens Jamboree” in Batu City of Malang, East Java Indonesia. 2016. 

3.      An official of Andam Dewi Marching Band Bengkalis at Sumatera Marching Open Championship, Pekanbaru, Riau of Indonesia. 2017. 

4.      An official of Andam Dewi Marching Band Bengkalis at Grand Prix Marching Band in Bekasi, West Java of Indonesia. December 29-30, 2016. 

5.      An official of Andam Dewi Marching Band Bengkalis at Sumatera Marching Open Championship, Pekanbaru, Riau of Indonesia. 2017. 

6.      An official of Andam Dewi Marching Band Bengkalis at International Drum Corp Competetion, Pekanbaru, Riau of Indonesia. 2018. 

7.      A Participant of the International Seminar "Important English for Global Era" on November 2nd, 2015 at the State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim in  Pekanbaru Riau Indonesia  

8.      Teacher at Religion Kindergarten in TPQ Jamiatul Hidayah Bengkalis Riau Agustus 4th, 2015 until December 31st, 2016.  

9.      Coach Drum Band at Junior High School 3 Bengkalis Riau of Indonesia October 2016.

10.   Privat Teacher for Elementary School on All Major at student’s house Januari-June 2016.

11.   IC Design with Electrical Engineering Expert at State Polytechnic of Bengkalis, November 2016.

12.   Participant in MTQ of sub-regency Bengkalis 2017.

13.   Participant Chemistry Olympiad at “KSM Provinsi Riau” 2013 in Pekanbaru Riau .

14.   Education Volunteer in a rural island in Riau Islands Province by Ministry of Maritime Indonesia on program “ENJ - Ekspedisi Nusantara Jaya (Expedition Archipelago Victory)”.

15.   Leadership and Youth Independent Training by Riau youth and Sports institution in Pekanbaru, 2017. 

16.   Consumer Service at Telkomsel Broadband Corner in Bengkalis, 2018. 

17.   Entrepreneur Training by Riau youth and sports institution in Pekanbaru, 2018. 

18.   Participant in English Debate Competition in the Regional Islamic Student Competition, at UIN Palembang, South Sumatera, 2018. 

19.   December 2018-January 2019 Solo traveler to Malaysia and Singapore. 

20.   English internship teacher at MAN 1 Bengkalis. 

21.   Entrepreneur Training by Riau Youth and Sports Institution in Pekanbaru, 2019 

22.   English Teacher at SMPN 1 Bengkalis for 8 grades, 2019.

23.   Public Policy training by Kesbangpol (Politic and Nation Institution) in Pekanbaru, 2019 

24.   As Participant in Business Plan Competition in National Islamic Student Competition, at UIN Malang East Java, 2019 

25.   As a Participant in the English Debate Competition in the National Islamic Student Competition, at UIN Malang East Java, 2019.

26.   As a student studying Chinese language, and Taiwanese culture, 2019-2021in Nation Youth Speech by Kemenpora (Indonesia Youth and Sports Ministry) in Indonesia Youth Day 2019-2021.

27.   Design Game for Learning in Robot with Chatbot at National Central University since February 2021.

28.   Have a small business in Taiwan since February 2021.

29.   Join hands-together activity, a program from the Ministry of Education Taiwan collaborates between National Central University and Senior High School in Taiwan 2021-2023

30.   LIT Scanner training at TSMC Training Center, 2023

31.  Symposium of  Overseas Indonesian Students’ Association Alliance in Asia-Oceania 2023

32.   Internship at the Executive Office of the President of the Republic of Indonesia 2023

33.  Robot in STEM at Taipei Medical University, Jan 2024

34. As an invited speaker with sharing about how to "Optimal Technology in Education", March 2024


   VIII. Achievements or Awards  

1.       Ranking 1 in Elementary School at SDN 52 Nyatuh 

2.       General Ranking 1 in Senior High School SMPN 10 Bengkalis 

3.       Top 4 Academic Achievement in MAN 1 Bengkalis 

4.       7th Winner National Competition “Grand Prix Marching Band 2013” with Andam Dewi Marching Band in Istora Senayan Jakarta Indonesia  

5.       5th Winner National Competition “Grand Prix Marching Band 2017” with Andam Dewi Marching Band in Bekasi West Java Indonesia. 

6.       3rd Winner English Speech in English Contest of STAIN Bengkalis 

7.       2000 Best Indonesia’s Youth of 3068 participants Selected by 13614 participants on the register for Expedition Archipelago Victory, ENJ 2017 Program from Ministry of Maritime Indonesia. 

8.       National Creative Youth Ambassador 2017 by Indonesian Ministry of Youth and Sport (Kemenpora). 

9.       Riau Best Youth Award by Riau Governor 2017  

10.    1st winner of Short Film Competition by STAIN Bengkalis 2017 

11.    2nd winner of Sumatera Scientific Debate 2018 by STAIN Bengkalis 

12.    2nd winner of Bengkalis Scientific Debate 2018 by State Polytechnic Bengkalis 

13.    STAIN Bengkalis Best Student 2018 

14.    Top 10 Student Activists in STAIN Bengkalis 2019 

15.    Top 15 from 1640 participants at the Videography Competition by Indonesia Economic Trade Organization (IETO) in Taiwan 2021

16.    Selected by the Indonesian Ministry of Youth and Sport (Kemenpora) to give a national speech at National Youth Day 2021

17.    Selected by CTCI Education Foundation in Taiwan in My Eyes 120-hour program 2022/2023

18.    Given graduation speech at National Central University Graduation Party 2023 as a representative of international students.

19.    Selected by the Executive Office of the President of the Republic of Indonesia for Sekolah Staf Presiden ( Executive Office of the President School)

20.  Selected by the Tourism Bureau, MOTC (Ministry of Transportation and Communications, Taiwan) as Taiwan Amusement Park Fun Play International Ambassador 

   IX. Scholarships 

1.       Ranking 1 Scholarship from SMPN 10 Bengkalis  

2.       Education Scholarship from MAN Bengkalis  

3.       DISDIK Bengkalis Scholarship 2016 for Undergraduate 

4.       PEMDA Bengkalis Scholarship 2017 for Undergraduate, At the same time I also passed for the STAIN Bengkalis Award Scholarship

5.       Smart Student Scholarship 2018 for Undergraduates by BRI (Indonesian Citizen Bank) 

6.       National Central University Scholarship


    X. Conference Experiences 

o   Observer

o   Presenter (Long Paper)

o   Presenter (Long Paper)

o Presenter (Short Paper)

o Accepted (Long Paper) but not present

o On progress (Short Paper) <Soon>

       XI. Publications